Unreal Version
Riding Holy was also implement in the Unreal Engine (more specifically, Unreal Engine 5.3.0 ). This version of the game included the following game elements:
Complex Movement Mechanics
- Firstly, we re-implemented and perfected all the movement mechanics we had previously developed in Unity. This included a player controller with varying speed, which could jump and would tilt in accordance to the floor slopes and surfaces. Despite not having implemented the ability to ride bowls, the rail grinding was improved substantially and the movement was overall smoother.

AI System
- Enemies grounded on behaviour trees and wave spawning were once again introduced into the prototype, this time relying on Unreal's blueprints and behaviour tree editor.
- One major enemy was developed - the Baneful Bloodsucker - with similar abilities found in the Unity version.
- A custom blueprint was created to handle the enemy wave system. This system works with completely random spawn settings (random spawn points and enemies), a defined sequence of enemies and their respective spawnpoints (waves system) and a hybrid model (for instance, defined spawn points but random enemies).
Combat System
- A simple combat system was added into the game. The player has a health counter, can take and perform damage. The damage is indicated through floating numbers (created with a Niagara particle system).
- Some combat abilities were also developed so the player could fight back against enemies:
+ "Ground Slam" ability - while the player is in the middle of a jump, pressing the "E" key will make them slam the ground, providing not only a fast descent but performing damage in a small radius. This skill is accompanied by a small special effect.
+ "Dash" ability - pressing the "Shift" key will make players gain a temporary speed boost, damaging enemies which stand in their path. This skill is accompanied by a small special effect.
+ "Grind" ability - while the player is grinding a rail, pressing the "F" key will damage nearby enemies. Unfortunately, no special effect was added to this skill.
+ "Melee" ability -
- Finally, a simple grind score system was developed so grinding rails empowers the next attack, within a 3 second time period. This game design element was thought of to motivate players to keep moving and performing tricks.
New Models
- A skateboarding church level was modeled in 3D, though it didn't make it to the final prototype.
Get Riding Holy
Riding Holy
A Priest that kills vampires while performing skateboard tricks.
Status | Prototype |
Authors | DannyIsYog, zorrocrisis, GoncaloGoulao, RavineWindter, Ivo D'art |
Genre | Action |
Tags | 3D, Singleplayer, Unity |
More posts
- Unity VersionJul 24, 2024
- Some LoreJul 24, 2024