Unity Version

Riding Holy was firstly implement in the Unity Engine (more specifically, Unity 2021.3.6f1 ). This version of the game included the following game elements:

Complex Movement Mechanics
- Firstly, our objective was to mimic the most common skateboarding tricks and movements. With this in mind, we started by implementing a player controller with varying speed and jumping abilities, including a charged jump.

- To add more realism to the player's movement, we  developed a system which makes the player character (and skateboard) tilt in accordance to the floor slopes and surfaces.

- Then, the ability to ride bowls and spin while in the air was added, which already made the prototype much more fun to play around with.

- Finally, the ability to grind rails was also implemented, alongside some particle effects for visual feedback.

AI System
- To add more challenge to the game and finalize a game loop, an AI system based on behaviour trees and wave spawners was developed. 

- To facilitate the creation of enemies and their respective behaviour trees, a graphical behaviour tree editor was programmed for Unity. This editor made it possible to create complex AI behaviour by harnessing the power of multiple node types in a simple drag and drop environment. This editor also displayed which nodes were being executed at runtime, which made debugging easier.

- By exploiting the graphical behaviour tree editor, three different enemy types were created:

+ Baneful Bloodsuckers - animal-like, vampiric creatures who surround the player and howl after attacking them, calling other nearby enemies to support them.

+ Velvet Zealots - masters of blood magic, being able to drain health from the player and, when ultimately threatened by death, explode in a pool of blood.

+ Unamed flying enemies - creatures similar to bats who patrol the skies and dive down to attack the player.

- Skatepark model (built from modular pieces)

- Father Lucious' model


RidingHoly_UnityTechDemo.zip 28 MB
Jul 25, 2023

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